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Welcome To World Of Authors & Books

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Make your book available at Retail Book Shops, Malls, Airports, Libraries, Amazon, Flipkart, Meesho and other online platfors.

Author Central is an author management saas, developed to manage author enrollment, royalty payment, promotion and marketing etc by Plus Pramesh, Guddison Foreman & Stox Foreman.

Plus Pramesh is a publishing platform. We publish and distribute printed & eBooks in India and other countries like United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, France, Canada etc.

You retain all the rights to your book! We exist to help you reach the market via our distribution partners and act as a publishing label. We work with a non-exclusive publishing agreement meaning, we don’t own any of your content and you can even publish it elsewhere if you wish.

ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number. At Plus Pramesh we enlist unique ISBN for each book by regime established by Indian Government’s.

Barcode on backcover is a machine-readable representation of numerals to read 13 Digit ISBN by libraries, distributors and resellers.

ISBN is also considered as Unique Product Identity by various marketplaces like Amazon, Flipkart etc.

Being author of book you will earn royalty betweek 1% to 99% of MRP of each book sold to readers.

Calculate How it works?

First you should be aware that

  • MRP is Maximum Retail Price printed on book. No seller including online platforms can sale a book above MRP.
  • ASP is average selling price or discounted price offered by sellers.

Now suppose if Printed MRP is ₹500 and author is getting 8% of royalty. 

  • You will earn ₹40 as royalty payment.
  • No matter sellers are selling your book for ₹400/- or ₹200/- or offering free. You will be earning your fixed 8% i.e ₹40

At Plus Pramesh we offer this service for free if author needs help.

At Plus Pramesh we provide paid translation service and author can also hire any translation agency for his/her book.

Our authors can track sales data as well as royalty payment by logging in author’s account.

At Plus Pramesh you will get lifetime support after publishing your book. We are always available to our authors.

As an author you will always have rights to get in touch with various officials to resolve your issue or to discuss any idea.

Promotion & Marketing:

  • We offer both free and paid promotion services to our authors.
  • We always have adequate funds in our “Central Advertisement Pool (CAP)” to promote our book on various online and offline platforms.

Yes….. We always welcome our authors to suggest corrections and update content of their book.

We also provide a deep report  of readers suggestions to our authors.

Our Distribution

Know where we distribute book.

Book Shops
0 +
0 +
Online Websites
0 +
Book Fair
0 +

You will write on paper We will type in your book

Complete Solution for Grammar, Spelling & Factual Errors

You are Unknown Person We will Promote on Social Media

Some of Our Latest Release

Trading Chart Pattern Book

Trading Chart Pattern Book

229.00 Add to cart

Trading Chart Pattern Book Hindi

260.00 Add to cart

Options Trading Strategies Layman Approach

450.00 Add to cart

Trading Chart Pattern Book Hindi

230.00 Add to cart

Profit From NIFTY Options

260.00 Add to cart

More Profit from Nifty Options | Art of Doing Nothing

300.00 Add to cart

Beginner’s Guide to Stock Market

400.00 Add to cart

Trading Chart Pattern Book Marathi

260.00 Add to cart

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Why Choose Us?

A choice that makes the difference.

Highly Experienced

At Plus Pramesh we have highly experienced team to publish, manage and promote books .

Offline Distribution

At Plus Pramesh we have always focus on offline distribution within libraries and retails shops.

Dedicated Support

At Plus we provide adequate support to our authors to reach more readers and obtain desired sales.


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8:00 am - 5:00 pm
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Managing Time for Study
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Person Behind Author Central


Personally I believe in quality and not quantity. Being a founder and Managing Director at Pramesh Universal India I always give my best efforts to select best authors who can serve most authentic and relevant content in perfect and interesting words.
Author Central is a part of PUI, dedicated to our existing and aspiring authors. 

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